Introducing The Manuscript Publisher
Post date: Sep 24, 2012 9:49:21 PM
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Introducing The Manuscript Publisher
- publishing solutions for the digital age -
posted 24 Sep 2012, 22:49
Mainstream publishing has always been an exclusive affair. But these days the publishing opportunities for authors and writers willing to explore the independent route have never been more plentiful.
A new enterprise, The Manuscript Publisher offers professional and affordable services that assist in the goal of getting your books into the public domain. And while the venture may be new, the personnel behind it have a wealth of experience in publishing, marketing, editorial services and design.
According to Oscar Duggan, the group's founder and General Manager:
"We have worked with dozens of authors, writers, independent publishers from Ireland and further afield, helping to produce quality self-published titles which have been well received by the book-buying public. We work with clients on a one-to-one basis and offer a level of personal support that is unrivalled and unsurpassed. Furthermore you are dealing with people who readily understand the principles of publishing in the modern era and how your needs can be met."
The Manuscript Publisher offers the full range of assisted publishing services. These include:
manuscript preparation and book-setting to output a print-ready PDF or ebook
a print brokering service that helps you to match print runs to anticipated demand, resulting in more books for your money without having to print more books than you need
free, impartial advice on all your print management and publishing options
practical assistance, services and support to those interested in the non-printed route to getting published
whatever publishing route you choose The Manuscript Publisher can help you to market and sell your book, availing of both traditional and online channels.
The aim of The Manuscript Publisher is to be author-centred in its approach to publishing:
"We would like to see a lot more investigation and debate as to how present and future trends in the publishing, including but not limited to advances in technology, can be harnessed to support authors and writers who choose the independent publishing route," says Oscar Duggan.
"In industry terms 'the publisher' is the person who puts up the investment capital and incurs the financial risk if the venture doesn't succeed. Where the author is also the publisher, it stands to reason that he or she should reap the dividends of success. Independent publishing is not something you need to feel daunted by if you have the benefit of the best possible, practical assistance and advice."
According to The Manuscript Publisher's website "we don't offer 'publishing package deals' because we don't believe that these models are fair to authors; nor do they reflect the reality of publishing today." The services which are offered are designed to assist rather than unduly complicate an already vast and considerable undertaking. You pick and choose those services which you require. Because book production doesn't lend itself to a 'one size fits all' approach the packages which The Manuscript Publisher offer to you are those which are tailored to your real and present needs, ambitions, budget, etc.
For information about how you can turn your manuscript into a book, including free, impartial and fair advice on all the options available to you in this regard, contact The Manuscript Publisher today:
Telephone: 01 8569566 or 087 7604547
or visit their website where you can even Get a Quote online. A free Information Leaflet is available to Download Here.