
Schools, Colleges, Educational

– including printing, stationery, web design –

We provide publishing and design services – across both print and digital media – to schools, colleges, educational institutes, teachers, parents, students, everyone involved with education.

Student Journals and School Homework Diaries

Tailored and customised to either primary or secondary school purposes, and produced at affordable prices, our journals and diaries are:

Delivery is charged at cost. There is no minimum order however, orders for less than 50 copies may incur a €25 surcharge. Contact us today for a free and comprehensive quote.

Samples diaries and journals are available to browse online:

Of course, we also very flexible: design, layout and appearance of the samples linked to above can be further customised to your own preferences and requirements. Covers can incorporate your school logo, crest, emblem, contact details and anything else that you would like to include. View our online portfolio for ideas.

Contact us today for further information about our services and highly competitive rates.

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School Yearbooks

Our dedicated team of in-house designers and editors will work with you to produce a quality School Yearbook and get it printed at affordable prices. All print runs catered for – no order too small.

A school yearbook is something that will serve as a cherished memento for pupils, parents, teachers alike. It can also serve as a useful fundraiser, or simply as a way of acknowledging the importance of education and the often unsung work performed by students and educators alike.

Contact us today for a free and comprehensive quotation, estimate or advice.

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We offer a school printing service tailored to the needs of primary, secondary, third level colleges, institutes of education, etc. Anything from stationery to brochures, to school or college prospectus.

Contact us with the details of your requirements. We will be only too pleased to assist and advise.

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We design websites for schools and colleges for classroom projects or for extra-curricular activities. We specialise in the creation and design of websites on free-hosted platforms that are professional and reliable, user friendly and catering to collaborative projects.

Contact us for quotation, estimate or advice.

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Online Classrooms

For online projects that can be open to everyone on the web, or restricted to closed groups, our in-depth knowledge of cloud computing techniques can help you to get started. The insight that we offer and the techniques that have been pioneered can be readily adapted to a school or classroom environment. Online collaboration can streamline the process and makes everything that much simpler and easier.

Talk to us today for free consultation or advice.

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Learn More

Contact us today for free assessment and advice about how our expertise in these areas can help your business in these and other areas.

Browse our portfolios to see how we have helped others and what our range of services might do for you.

Keep in Touch

If you would like to receive details about special offers, promotions, information and advice about all matters relating print and digital media, why not keep in touch by subscribing to our e-News Service.